Regulations 30 Appointment of Director Vikram Singh Manco 05042024 Completion of Tenure of Independent Director Hassan Singh Mejie and Anirudh Khullar 31032024 Resignation of Director Sushil Gupta 01042023 Appointment of Director Manav Mehra 01042023 Appointment of Company Secretary 01032023 Resignation of Company Secretary Rajnish 28022023 Appointment of Company Secretary Rajnish 18062022 Appointment of Company Secretary Sumit Rawat 04082020 Appointment of Company Secretary Tavi 01032022 Appointment of Director 30092021 Arvind & Rashmi Mahajan Appointment of Director Dimple Mahajan 30092022 Appointment of Managing Director 13042021 Rashmi Mahajan Appointment of Statutory Auditors 27092019 Appointment of Statutory Auditors 30092020 Appointment of Statutory Auditors 30092021 Increase of Remuneration Akhil Mahajan 16022022 Intimation Resignation of Independent Director Kamlesh Kumar Malik 30092021 Newspaper Publication AGM 02092022 Newspaper Publication AGM 26082020 Resignation of Company Secretary Meenakshi 05092019 Resignation of Company Secretary Payal 03082020 Resignation of Company Secretary Sumit Rawat 28022022 Resignation of Company Secretary Tavi Chhabra18062022 Resignation of Company Secretary Vrinda 01122019 Resignation of CS Rajnish Tyagi 28022023 Resignation of Director Abhay Mahajan 28052020 Appointment of Addition Director Dimple Mahajan & Karan Singh Jolly 13082022 (1) Appointment of Addition Director Dimple Mahajan & Karan Singh Jolly 13082022 Appointment of Auditor 30092022 (1) Appointment of Auditor 30092022 Appointment of Company Secretary 02122019 Appointment of Company Secretary Neha Miglani 01032023